The Tennessee Dairy Producers Association began with concerns voiced by dairymen at a UT Dairy Advocacy Committee meeting in April, 2009. There was no organized group to represent dairymen as with other animal agriculture organizations in Tennessee. An interim board was selected and a charter was approved by the state in August.


During the time since organization, TDPA members across Tennessee have met with legislators on the state and national levels, provided input to allied industry, and have worked to curb the decline of dairy farms in our state. For the first time in Tennessee dairy history, there is a unified, unbiased voice for Tennessee’s dairymen. No matter how many cows you milk, the breed, the location, or who markets your milk, YOU have a voice! Board members receive no compensation, and all dues go to postage and related materials to keep the members informed. If you haven’t joined yet, please consider becoming a member at one of the TDPA meetings in February or by mail.