The Tennessee Dairy Producers Association seeks to be a unified voice for all dairy producers in Tennessee in a manner that will expedite a consistent response to any issue that might affect the short or long range viability of the dairy industry in Tennessee. TDPA will also serve as an unbiased source of information for dairy producers as well as consumers.
Updated Owner Shipper Statement
Good morning,
I have attached an updated version of the owner shipper statement (OSS) with updated email addresses for some states.
Dairy cattle who have an approved USDA back tag can move on an OSS direct to slaughter with the permission of the receiving state. I have attached a contact list of all state veterinary offices for your convenience. Please contact the destination state of the shipment for absolute clarity. If in doubt, a certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI) with official individual identification numbers (EID tags or NUES tags, not a back tag) listed on it can be used.
Please send completed owner shipper statements to our office at and to the destination state at the email listed on the attached form.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our office at 615-837-5120. You may also contact Billy Graham, USDA Animal ID Coordinator at 615-210-0617.
Thank you.
Susan Leimer
Animal ID Coordinator
Department of Agriculture
Porter Building
436 Hogan Road, Nashville, TN 37220
615-837-5120 Fax 615-837-5250
(Click the images below to view / download documents)
Lactating Dairy Cattle to Slaughter Movement Documents
Good morning, all,
As discussed in the meeting this morning, I have attached the Owner Hauler document and excel spreadsheet to be used for lactating dairy cattle moving to slaughter. If you need assistance or have any questions, please reach out to us by email at or by phone at 615-837-5120.
We will continue to update our Animal Health Alerts webpage with new details regarding this developing situation.
Thank you.
Susan Leimer
Animal ID Coordinator
Department of Agriculture
Porter Building
436 Hogan Road, Nashville, TN 37220
615-837-5120 Fax 615-837-5250
(Click the images below to view / download documents)
Owner Hauler Statement for Lactating Dairy Cow Transport to Slaughter
Template bulk animals – Dairy to slaughter
USDA issues Federal Order effective Apr. 29:
Mandatory testing of dairy cows before interstate movement
WASHINGTON – The USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced a Federal Order to prevent the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). It includes mandatory testing of lactating dairy cows before interstate movement, effective April 29, 2024, and further dairy cattle classes will be addressed in future updates. APHIS will have further interstate movement requirements forthcoming.
“HPAI is a contagious viral disease of domestic poultry and wild birds. HPAI is deadly to domestic poultry and can wipe out entire flocks within a matter of days. HPAI is a threat to the poultry industry, animal health, human health, trade, and the economy worldwide,” states APHIS in the April 24 announcement.
Citing the Secretary of Agriculture’s regulatory authority to prohibit or restrict the movement in interstate commerce of any animal or article as a means of conveyance, the Federal Order states that the Secretary has determined restriction is necessary to prevent spread.
“APHIS has determined that good cause exists to impose these requirements without notice and comment, as further delay would threaten to hasten the spread of the disease, multiplying the potential harm to livestock, poultry, the dairy industry, and, potentially, human health,” the announcement states.
Since Feb. 2022, USDA has worked with states and poultry producers to identify and respond to over 1,100 HPAI detections on poultry farms and mitigate the virus’ impact on U.S. poultry production and trade.
Since late March 2024, USDA, FDA and CDC, along with state veterinary and public health officials and the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) laboratories have been investigating the emergence of the HPAI, H5N1 virus in dairy cows.
Now, as of April 24, 2024, USDA has confirmed HPAI H5N1 clade virus detections on 33 dairy cattle premises in 8 states (Kansas, Idaho, Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas).
USDA has also confirmed — based on specific phylogenetic evidence and epidemiological information — that 8 poultry premises in 5 states (Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico and Texas) have also been infected with the same HPAI H5N1 virus genotype detected in dairy cattle.
Additionally, APHIS’ National Veterinary Services Laboratories found HPAI in a lung tissue sample from an asymptomatic cull dairy cow that originated from an affected herd and which did not enter the food supply.
HPAI has already been recognized as a threat by USDA, and the interstate movement of animals infected with HPAI is already prohibited. However, the detection of this new distinct HPAI H5N1 virus genotype in dairy cattle poses a new animal disease risk for dairy cattle — as well as an additional disease risk to domestic poultry farms — since this genotype can infect both cattle and poultry.
In order to continue to monitor and understand the extent of this virus and reduce further risk and threat, this Federal Order requires the following measures for mandatory testing for interstate movement of dairy cattle, effective Monday, April 29, 2024:
1) Prior to interstate movement, dairy cattle are required to receive a negative test for Influenza A virus at an approved National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) laboratory.
2) Owners of herds in which dairy cattle test positive for interstate movement will be required to provide epidemiological information, including animal movement tracing.
3) Dairy cattle moving interstate must adhere to conditions specified by APHIS.
4) As will be described in forthcoming guidance, these steps will be immediately required for lactating dairy cattle, while these requirements for other classes of dairy cattle will be based on scientific factors concerning the virus and its evolving risk profile.
Included in the Federal Order is mandatory reporting details for laboratories and state veterinarians.
For more information regarding this Federal Order go to HPAI Detections in Livestock Page at
American Dairy Coalition | 920-288-7190 | www.americandairycoalitioninc.
Dairy Biosecurity Recommendations – HPAI and More
I wanted to share the most recent updates regarding HPAI in Dairy cattle, by AABP (above). I would also like to ask a small favor of this group…
Since the restricted movement order was put into place, I have been hearing that people think the ban is on all cattle from affected states.
If you could please pass the word:
Dairy cattle from AFFECTED premises are restricted from moving into Tennessee.
Adult DAIRY cattle from affected states must be permitted and depending on proximity to the affected herds MAY be required to test before entry.
So, anyone moving dairy animals to Tennessee from TX, KS, ID, MI, NM and OH would need to call the State Vet’s Office and get a permit. At which time, they may be asked to test before entry depending on their location.
Movement out of affected states is still allowed because the numbers of herds affected relative to the numbers of herds unaffected is minimal and we don’t want to slow commerce for healthy animals. Permitting helps TDA have good traceability in the event a herd does become positive.
Beef cattle can continue to move freely, as there have been no detections in beef animals and TDA rule prohibits movement of any sick animals into the state.
Mechanical transmission through milk equipment seems to be the primary cause of spread between most farms. Other mechanisms have not been ruled out completely, and certainly the virus got from birds into a cow(s), so biosecurity is critical to prevent new introductions to a herd. The good news is that those herds affected early on appear to be recovering so it may be possible to eliminate this virus from commercial herds. As long as other herds are not impacted, there is hope that this will run its course soon.
If people have questions, please send them our way. Susan Leimer is the TN ADT coordinator and works with me to help navigate any animal movement questions.
Link to Tennessee’s order here: HPAI Order 4.2.24.pdf (
I am trying to prevent overloading your email inbox and so please check the Animal Alert page Animal Health Alerts (, and also the USDA APHIS website for updates Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) Detections in Livestock | Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (
If there are significant changes to orders or updates on transmission and pathology of the disease, I will send out more information.
(Click below to view / download)
Thanks as always for your support!
SAMANTHA BEATY, DVM |State Veterinarian
Assistant Commissioner Animal Health
Ellington Agricultural Center
Box 40627
Nashville, TN 37220
Phone: 615-837-5120 Fax: 615-837-5250
Drink Tennessee Milk
Dixie Dairy Report
Milk Prices
March 2024
February 2024
January 2024
January 2024
FMMO #6 & #7